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Articulation Agreements

Academic Program Agreements/MOUs are agreements between Illinois State and another institution related to admission criteria, transfer, and/or plans of study. Individual course articulations are held by the Office of the University Registrar. IAI articulations and major plans are determined by IAI faculty panels and are not part of the this process.

Steps for Initiating an Agreement/MOU:

  1. An agreement can be drafted using this template.  An updated template should be downloaded with each new agreement as template language is subject to change.
  2. Once the initiator has a draft of the agreement prepared, it should then be sent to the Associate Vice President for Undergraduate Education for review. Please send drafts electronically in Word format to Soemer Simmons.
  3. A panel consisting of the Associate Vice President and staff from Admissions, Financial Aid, and the Registrar will review the draft.  Once all parties have reviewed and approved the draft, it will then be sent to General Counsel for review and approval
  4. Upon General Counsel's approval, the Associate Vice President will route for appropriate signatures. Two copies of the agreement will be made and sent to the other institution for approval and signatures.
  5. The initiator will be notified once the agreement has been sent to the other institution for signatures. Once the agreement has been signed and returned by the other institution, a copy will be sent to the initiator for their records. The agreement will then be posted to the Registrar's site. The original signed copy of the agreement will be filed in the Provost's Office
  6. Depending upon the terms of the agreement, the initiator will be contacted with the agreement is set to expire.