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GEER Grant

Through the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund, Illinois State has received $1.9M in funding. Per the grant’s guidelines, "funds must be used to support efforts to enroll and retain low income, underrepresented, and first generation, students, that might otherwise not enroll or return due to the pandemic, including by closing digital equity gaps."

Illinois State Initiatives

Loaner Laptops

The majority of the funds are being used to purchase loaner laptops, MiFis, and webcams to aide students in the online instructional environment. Any student who is facing technological difficulties should contact the Technology Support Center (TSC). The staff in the TSC will work with the student and will recommend a loaner laptop if appropriate.

Registered Student Organization (RSO) Grants

In partnership with the Dean of Students Office, a portion of this grant is dedicated to support identity-based RSOs in addressing some of the financial barriers that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic. At this time, funding for new RSO grant requests is no longer available


Through the Persistence Committee, funds are being used to award micro-grants to students in need. Referrals to the Persistence Committee should be made through the Redbird Care Team.